Distributes Assistive Technology Products-Special Education Materials for the Handicap
Distributes a wide selection of Assistive Technology Products for the disabled and special needs population- iPad based Speech Generating Device, Communication APPS, Protective cases for iPads, Voice Amplification Systems, Communication Devices, Environmental Controls, Educational Software, Prevocational Materials, Resources on Autism, ALS, variety of products for all ages and special abilities. Provides funding services to submit to medical insurance to purchase Speech Generating Devices.
Keywords: IPad, Cases for iPads, SGD, AAC, Lamp Words for Life, ProloQu2Go, Touchchat with Word Power a, Touchchat AAC, APPS for Communication, Speak4Yourself, Voice Amplification, Autism, Special Education, Prosthesis, AAC, Speech Devices, Touch Screens, Dynamic Display Devvices,ACCI, Ablenet, mayer-Johnson, DynaVox, AMDI, Saltillo, ProxTalker, Speech, Augmentative Communication, speech needs, handicap Materials, Software, Switches